Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wensleydale 2-ply

I plied my Wensleysdale on Monday and here it is!IMG_1056 This is 285 yards and 116 g (4.15 oz), so it’s a little fatter than fingering.  I spun and plied on my 12.5:1 whorl.


I love this dreamy color.  The color on the label is “haze” but this is too purple to be “haze” to me.  If I were naming it, I might have said “moor.”  Doesn’t it belong in a 19C English novel?IMG_1049 I’ve no idea what to do with it.  It’s not super soft, but nor is it wiry.  It is drapey, so maybe some kind of small shawl that just covers the shoulders and doesn’t snuggle right up against the neck?  I’ll have to see what can be done with 285 yards.  That’s less than a typical skein of sock yarn.  If you have ideas, please send them my way.

What to spin next?

1 comment:

  1. I must say that Wensleydale yarn is prettier than Wensleydale cheese. Your skein looks neat, tidy and professional. A small shawl sounds perfect. Does it have a bit of scratch to it -- is that why you wouldn't want it near your neck?
