Friday, June 1, 2012


My knitting group’s not-so-secret yarnbombing mission has been completed.  Behold: the tree!IMG_1502 “Our” tree is located on Washington Street in downtown Gettysburg, in front of the Bluebrick Gallery.  (The Bluebrick is a co-op, and one of our knitters is a member.)  DSCN1026The pieces were created by 8 (I think) knitters and 1 crocheter (hi, Dina!).  Judy and I felted the flowers.IMG_1476Here’s a pre-tree shot taken before the light started to go:IMG_1473It’s pretty tall – S1 is standing on a chair and her arms are straight up.  Turns out you can rock a Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors out of this thing, too… IMG_1478 The knitting ninjas suited up to bomb the tree around 8 pm last night.  We set the time during knit night the week before, when it would have been nearly dark at 8.  How quickly the sunset time changes in a week.  We didn’t even need our headlamps and flashlights to seam (but you KNOW we had them on hand…).

DSCN1013 IMG_1485

The tree’s circumference is 36”.  We tried to make our pieces 33” wide. Negative ease is good for treewear.IMG_1487 IMG_1491 Our youngest ninja learns to wield the needle:DSCN1021 The tree bark acted like Velcro, which made the heavy knitted thing pretty easy to place:


Damn, we dropped a needle in the monkey grass!  (It was found.)DSCN1029 The bomb squad (minus the photographer):


The bomb squad (with original photographer hiding behind tree since she arrived out of uniform):IMG_1498

Don’t you just love it?IMG_1501 I think the tree looks happy.


The squad then retired to the diner for sundaes and pie, whereupon we freaked out the waitress.  When we left, she said “watch out for the apocalypse, now!”

Ladies, that was a blast.  When are we doing it again?!??


  1. Wow! Now I know I'm going to insist that I help my son move back in August so I can see your amazing yarnbombing! He lives right down the street from your handiwork. I'm sure it will be much admired and even more important, it looks like you all had tons of fun doing it!

  2. I live in York. Hope to drive up to see it this weekend.

  3. Bonny, please DO come in August! Our knitting group meets on 8/23. Can you move in then? :)

  4. So, awesome! I love that you wore black to mask your nefarious, almost-nocturnal activities!

  5. That is an exceptionally groovy yarn bomb! Love the multi-disciplinary approach and the technical tips (negative ease for superior tree hugging). Great pix!
