I returned to one of my touchstone patterns, Hermione’s Everyday Socks. It’s a great stitch pattern that is simple to work but achieves a pleasing nubbliness. I also confess that I love they are named for Hermione Granger, who I would absolutely want to be best friends with in real life. This is the fifth time I’ve made the pattern!
For proof that you can work them easily in public, here they are being worked on at Gettysburg College Convocation for the Class of 2022, and a York Revolution minor league baseball game:
I actually finished the pair at the baseball game.
In other fiber news, I am still musing on how to spin my MDSW fleeces. I made a bunch of rolags from Tamarind and spun the singles long draw. I had nearly a full bobbin. I plied most of it as a 3-ply but also did a little bit of 2-ply.
I’m pretty sure I will want to make a sweater with 3-ply yarn, so I made more of that. Here’s the glamour shot:
I should probably knit up a small sample with this, too. In for a penny, in for a pound!
In terms of fleece washing, I am nearly done. I’ve washed all the raw fleece, but I need to re-wash some of it and I’m still working through that process. I have tomorrow morning earmarked for fleece washing… maybe I’ll finish for good. Then I can start playing with Muesli and decide how to deal with the color variation. Did I show you how the washed fleece is looking? So dreamy…
I'm glad you showed the "pleasing nubbiness" up close; I can see that I must try this pattern myself. It looks like the perfect sock to knit along with convocation and baseball (and lots of other activities)!