Saturday, September 1, 2018

Lake Erie socks, and more Tamarind samples

I cast on this simple sock while enjoying Pam’s view of beautiful Lake Erie in Cleveland, so I have dubbed them my Lake Erie socks:IMG_20180830_192748_118
I returned to one of my touchstone patterns, Hermione’s Everyday Socks. It’s a great stitch pattern that is simple to work but achieves a pleasing nubbliness. I also confess that I love they are named for Hermione Granger, who I would absolutely want to be best friends with in real life. This is the fifth time I’ve made the pattern! 20180830_074919
For proof that you can work them easily in public, here they are being worked on at Gettysburg College Convocation for the Class of 2022, and a York Revolution minor league baseball game:20180822_163712
I actually finished the pair at the baseball game.
In other fiber news, I am still musing on how to spin my MDSW fleeces. I made a bunch of rolags from Tamarind and spun the singles long draw. I had nearly a full bobbin. I plied most of it as a 3-ply but also did a little bit of 2-ply. 20180821_173556
I’m pretty sure I will want to make a sweater with 3-ply yarn, so I made more of that. Here’s the glamour shot:20180826_113148
I should probably knit up a small sample with this, too. In for a penny, in for a pound!
In terms of fleece washing, I am nearly done. I’ve washed all the raw fleece, but I need to re-wash some of it and I’m still working through that process. I have tomorrow morning earmarked for fleece washing… maybe I’ll finish for good. Then I can start playing with Muesli and decide how to deal with the color variation. Did I show you how the washed fleece is looking? So dreamy…20180806_124747

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you showed the "pleasing nubbiness" up close; I can see that I must try this pattern myself. It looks like the perfect sock to knit along with convocation and baseball (and lots of other activities)!
