The wheel has been turning!
I’ve been slowly spinning this gorgeous stuff since February, according to my notes. It is Polwarth/silk (85/15) that I bought at MDSW in 2012 from Misty Mountain Farm in Virginia. The color is Blue Spruce. I had 2 braids (so, 8 oz total) and now I have a lot of yarn.
I spun each 4 oz braid onto a single bobbin and then made a 2-ply. (Technical notes: short forward draw, singles on 16:1, plied 14:1, a bit overplied.) I have one really big skein. Then I ran out of room and had to switch to a fresh bobbin, so my second skein is medium. When I only had singles left on one bobbin, I weighed it and tried to equalize what was left onto two bobbins (you need a scale and a power drill to do this). My last skein is tiny but I’m so glad I used all the fiber. In all, I have 226 grams and 1,051 yards of lovely stuff.
This is kind of a lot of yarn. I’m not sure what to do with it. It could make a pretty gigantic shawl!
I finished spinning these singles before our big trip. I thought that after our big trip I would spin another 4 oz braid of fiber that would blend harmoniously with the blue to make an interesting 3-ply yarn. This is the braid: Mixed (meaning white and dark) BFL dyed in a color called Sprucey dyed by Miss Babs:
Even though this fiber was labelled “top,” I think it was roving. It just did not want to be spun worsted style like the blue stuff. After we had a meeting of the minds, I stopped spinning it and plied the blue stuff (so I would have the bobbins free that I needed). Then I resumed spinning the Sprucey and plied it up. Like the blue stuff, it was spun 16:1 and plied 14:1 – but it was long draw and the yarn looks very different: It’s loftier and fuzzier. Also, there is only 212 yards in 120 grams. Also, it took me 3 days from start to finish, while the blue stuff took 6 months. It’s just completely different from the blue yarn! So fascinating.
The wheel is humming again and I’ve already started another project… remember that awesome Suri alpaca/Shetland fiber I won from PLY magazine? It’s bright red. So not my color, but so much fun to work with. I’ll show you that soon!
Your "blue stuff" is gorgeous! I'll be interested in seeing what you do with >1000 yds. of it, as well as seeing the bright red fiber. That's not a color we often see in your photos!