I’ve been following Sasha Torres since her podcasting days (she hosted SpinDoctor, now sadly discontinued). Maybe you remember I mentioned meeting her at MDSW earlier this year?
Sasha’s current venture is Sheepspot, which specializes in small batch, sustainable, breed-specific yarns. Caitlin and I decided to join the Sheepspot Fiber Club together, and we doubled down by subscribing for a full year AND adding on the Breed School option. This means we’ll get 6 shipments of dyed fiber (you could also get “naked” fiber, but we chose the dyed option) along with some extra information that helps us learn about the breed. You know I’m a sucker for anything in a class format…
Our first shipment arrived last week and this is what it looks like! (We are having both our club goodies delivered to one address to save a little money on postage.)
Sasha very generously provides two colorway choices, and you can see that Caitlin and I chose differently. I love both of them (but mine is the blue one). The breed this month is Dorset Down, and we have some fiber samples to play with here. Each is meticulously and attractively labeled. (I love her logo so much. It’s perfect.) Sasha describes Dorset Down as a “minority” breed; The Fleece & Fiber Sourcebook uses the term “conservation” breed. There are no known flocks in the U.S. so this is a fiber few have tried here (certainly I have not).
The fiber preparation is roving (not top) so I’ll likely start spinning it woolen style. Sasha’s notes say she sampled it SIX different ways. I’m not sure if I’ll make it that far. But because I’m good at following directions, and also, I like homework, I will make a good faith effort to complete the questions on the Spinner’s Worksheet.
I’m anxious to jump into this first section of the breed study, but I need to clear my wheel first. I know some spinners have lots of stuff going at the same time, but I prefer monogamous spinning. I’m currently working on this alpaca-Shetland roving I won from PLY Magazine:
I have 16 oz total. As of today, I’m halfway done – two bobbins full. I intend to make a 2-ply yarn, which means I need 5 free bobbins… and I only own 4! I just learned about these Bobbins Up storage bobbins that have a special insert that fits perfectly on your drill bit, so I ordered a few to try. I think they’ll be here just in time.
Now, gotta get back to my wheel…
Of course you won that in a contest...of course.