Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Extreme sock knitting

I need to say up front that I am not an extreme sock knitter – but that doesn’t mean I’m not intrigued by them!  I ran across this on the new Skacel blog.  Brian was excited about a special order Addi Turbo Lace needle in the 120” length.  Naturally, he wanted to push the edge.  He decided to knit 7 pairs of socks, at the same time, using the Magic Loop technique.  Hmmmm, just crazy enough to work!

His project is titled “Because I can,” and you can follow it on the blog.  To catch up, read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

I’m going to copy one photo here to suck you in - hope that’s okay, Brian.  Man, I hope this guy will be at Sock Summit!

Do you think the sock knitters will demand wide availability of the 120” needle?



  1. Ha! And you laughed at me when I said that I wanted to try 2 and a time socks using the magic loop. 2 socks NOT 2 pairs. I may just give it a whirl in the future yet=:)

  2. I like knitting 2 socks at a time but I think that would drive me crazy!

  3. You will be blogging from the Sock Summit, won't you?
